From f60b31044a9a117244e7cd5d51f29b53d425a409 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: inleft <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 18:34:47 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] wow.js 加入

 src/components/mini/box12-comment.vue |  264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/mini/box12-comment.vue b/src/components/mini/box12-comment.vue
index fc1468c..7fccf8d 100644
--- a/src/components/mini/box12-comment.vue
+++ b/src/components/mini/box12-comment.vue
@@ -1,116 +1,188 @@
 	<div class="myFriend">
-		<a-form-model ref="myForm"  :model="form" :label-col="labelCol" :wrapper-col="wrapperCol">
-			<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;	">
-				<a-form-model-item label="昵称">
-					<a-input v-model="form.secret" autocomplete='new-password' type="password" placeholder="昵称">
-					</a-input>
-				</a-form-model-item>
-				<a-form-model-item label="邮箱">
-					<a-input v-model="form.secret" autocomplete='new-password' type="password" placeholder="邮箱">
-					</a-input>
-				</a-form-model-item>
-				<a-form-model-item label="主页">
-					<a-input v-model="form.secret" autocomplete='new-password' type="password" placeholder="主页">
-					</a-input>
-				</a-form-model-item>
-			</div>
-		</a-form-model>
+		<replyBox ref="commentBoxId"></replyBox>
+		<a-modal v-model="visible" title="回复Ta @xx" on-ok="handleOk"
+			:bodyStyle="{'overflow':'overlay','maxHeight': '550px'}">
+			<!-- <template slot="footer">
+				<a-button key="reset" @click="reset" type="danger">
+					擦掉重来
+				</a-button>
+				<a-button key="back" @click="handleCancel">
+					歇会
+				</a-button>
+				<a-button key="submit" type="primary" :loading="loading" @click="handleOk">
+					完事<span style="font-size: 10px;">儿</span>..
+				</a-button>
+			</template> -->
+			<replyBox ref="replyBoxId"></replyBox>
+		</a-modal>
+		<div v-for="temp in commentListData" class="commentList">
-		<a-comment>
-			<!-- <a-avatar slot="avatar" src=""
-				alt="Han Solo" /> -->
-			<div slot="content">
-				<a-form-item>
-					<a-textarea :rows="4" :value="value" @change="handleChange" />
-				</a-form-item>
-				<a-form-item>
-					<a-button html-type="submit" :loading="submitting" type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">
-						高低整两句
-					</a-button>
-				</a-form-item>
-			</div>
-		</a-comment>
+			<div class="commentGroup">
+				<a-comment>
+					<span slot="actions" key="comment-nested-reply-to" @click="replyCall">
+						<a-icon type="edit" />回复
+					</span>
-		<a-comment>
-			<span slot="actions" key="comment-nested-reply-to">Reply to</span>
-			<a slot="author">Han Solo</a>
-			<a-avatar slot="avatar" src=""
-				alt="Han Solo" />
-			<p slot="content">
-				We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources
-				(Sketch and Axure).
-			</p>
-			<a-collapse v-model="activeKey">
-				<a-collapse-panel key="1" header="展开">
-					<a-comment>
-						<span slot="actions">Reply to</span>
-						<a slot="author">Han Solo</a>
-						<a-avatar slot="avatar" src=""
-							alt="Han Solo" />
-						<p slot="content">
-							We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
-							resources (Sketch and Axure).
-						</p>
-						<a-comment>
-							<span slot="actions">Reply to</span>
-							<a slot="author">Han Solo</a>
-							<a-avatar slot="avatar"
-								src="" alt="Han Solo" />
-							<p slot="content">
-								We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
-								resources (Sketch and Axure).
-							</p>
-						</a-comment>
-						<a-comment>
-							<span slot="actions">Reply to</span>
-							<a slot="author">Han Solo</a>
-							<a-avatar slot="avatar"
-								src="" alt="Han Solo" />
-							<p slot="content">
-								We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
-								resources (Sketch and Axure).
-							</p>
-						</a-comment>
+					<div slot="avatar">
+						{{temp.userName}} :
+					</div>
+					<p slot="content">{{temp.userComment}}</p>
+					<a-comment v-for="tempData in temp.replyList.listData">
+						<span slot="actions" key="comment-nested-reply-to" @click="replyCall">
+							<a-icon type="edit" />回复
+						</span>
+						<div slot="avatar">
+							{{tempData.userName}} @ {{tempData.replyUserName}} :
+						</div>
+						<p slot="content">{{tempData.userComment}}</p>
-				</a-collapse-panel>
-			</a-collapse>
-		</a-comment>
-		<a-comment>
-				<span slot="actions">Reply to</span>
-				<a slot="author">Han Solo</a>
-				<a-avatar slot="avatar"
-					src="" alt="Han Solo" />
-				<p slot="content">
-					We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
-					resources (Sketch and Axure).
-				</p>
-			</a-comment>
-		</a-comment>
+					<div class="loadMore" @click="loadMore()">
+						<a-icon type="down" /><span>更多...</span>
+					</div>
+				</a-comment>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+	import replyBox from "./box13-reply.vue"
 	export default {
+		components: {
+			replyBox
+		},
+		methods: {
+			handleOk(e) {},
+			loadMore() {
+				this.commentListData[0].replyList.listData = this.commentListData[0].replyList.listData.concat(this
+					.commentListData[0].replyList.listData)
+			},
+			replyCall() {
+				this.visible = true;
+				var msgInfo = {
+					useName: "22",
+					userComment: "11",
+				};
+				this.$nextTick(() => {
+					this.$refs.replyBoxId.getMsgInfo(msgInfo);
+				});
+			}
+		},
 		data() {
 			return {
-				labelCol: {
-					span: 5,
-					offset: 0,
-				},
-				wrapperCol: {
-					span: 15,
-					offset: 0
-				},
-				form: {
-					secret: ""
-				}
+				visible: false,
+				commentListData: [{
+					userName: "bimo",
+					userComment: "1+1=2?",
+					commentTime: "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
+					id: "1",
+					parentId: null,
+					replyId: null,
+					replyUserName: null,
+					replyList: {
+						total: "3",
+						current: "1",
+						listData: [{
+							userName: "inleft",
+							userComment: "2",
+							commentTime: "2022-02-22 23:22:22",
+							id: "2",
+							parentId: "1",
+							replyId: "1",
+							replyUserName: "bimo",
+						}, {
+							userName: "air",
+							userComment: "不对是3",
+							commentTime: "2022-02-23 13:13:13",
+							id: "3",
+							parentId: "1",
+							replyId: "2",
+							replyUserName: "inleft",
+						}]
+					},
+				}, {
+					userName: "bimo",
+					userComment: "1+1=2?",
+					commentTime: "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
+					id: "1",
+					parentId: null,
+					replyId: null,
+					replyUserName: null,
+					replyList: {
+						total: "3",
+						current: "1",
+						listData: [{
+							userName: "inleft",
+							userComment: "2",
+							commentTime: "2022-02-22 23:22:22",
+							id: "2",
+							parentId: "1",
+							replyId: "1",
+							replyUserName: "bimo",
+						}, {
+							userName: "air",
+							userComment: "不对是3",
+							commentTime: "2022-02-23 13:13:13",
+							id: "3",
+							parentId: "1",
+							replyId: "2",
+							replyUserName: "inleft",
+						}]
+					},
+				}],
+<style lang="less">
+	.visitInfo {
+		user-select: none;
+	}
+	.commentList {
+		img {
+			user-select: none;
+		}
+		.ant-comment-actions {
+			display: flex;
+			justify-content: flex-end;
+		}
+		.ant-comment-content-author {
+			margin-bottom: 0px;
+		}
+		.ant-comment-inner {
+			padding: 10px 10px 0px;
+		}
+		.commentGroup {
+			border-top: 1px solid #e5e9ef;
+			margin-bottom: 10px;
+			padding-bottom: 15px;
+			.loadMore:hover {
+				color: skyblue;
+			}
+		}
+		.ant-comment-content-detail {
+			p {
+				margin-bottom: 0px;
+			}
+		}
+	}

Gitblit v1.9.1