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| | | <p>空空如也..</p> |
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New file |
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| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="myFriend"> |
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| | | |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <!-- <a-avatar slot="avatar" src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" |
| | | alt="Han Solo" /> --> |
| | | <div slot="content"> |
| | | <a-form-item> |
| | | <a-textarea :rows="4" :value="value" @change="handleChange" /> |
| | | </a-form-item> |
| | | <a-form-item> |
| | | <a-button html-type="submit" :loading="submitting" type="primary" @click="handleSubmit"> |
| | | 高低整两句 |
| | | </a-button> |
| | | </a-form-item> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <span slot="actions" key="comment-nested-reply-to">Reply to</span> |
| | | <a slot="author">Han Solo</a> |
| | | <a-avatar slot="avatar" src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" |
| | | alt="Han Solo" /> |
| | | <p slot="content"> |
| | | We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources |
| | | (Sketch and Axure). |
| | | </p> |
| | | <a-collapse v-model="activeKey"> |
| | | <a-collapse-panel key="1" header="展开"> |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <span slot="actions">Reply to</span> |
| | | <a slot="author">Han Solo</a> |
| | | <a-avatar slot="avatar" src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" |
| | | alt="Han Solo" /> |
| | | <p slot="content"> |
| | | We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design |
| | | resources (Sketch and Axure). |
| | | </p> |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <span slot="actions">Reply to</span> |
| | | <a slot="author">Han Solo</a> |
| | | <a-avatar slot="avatar" |
| | | src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" alt="Han Solo" /> |
| | | <p slot="content"> |
| | | We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design |
| | | resources (Sketch and Axure). |
| | | </p> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <span slot="actions">Reply to</span> |
| | | <a slot="author">Han Solo</a> |
| | | <a-avatar slot="avatar" |
| | | src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" alt="Han Solo" /> |
| | | <p slot="content"> |
| | | We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design |
| | | resources (Sketch and Axure). |
| | | </p> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | </a-collapse-panel> |
| | | </a-collapse> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | <a-comment> |
| | | <span slot="actions">Reply to</span> |
| | | <a slot="author">Han Solo</a> |
| | | <a-avatar slot="avatar" |
| | | src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" alt="Han Solo" /> |
| | | <p slot="content"> |
| | | We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design |
| | | resources (Sketch and Axure). |
| | | </p> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | </a-comment> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </template> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | <script> |
| | | export default { |
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| | | |
| | | <style> |
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| | |
| | | } from '../../api/blogArticleType.js' |
| | | export default { |
| | | beforeMount() { |
| | | this.$message.info('loading',0.3); |
| | | this.$message.info('loading', 0.3); |
| | | queryBlogArticleType({}).then((res) => { |
| | | this.list1 = res.data.slice(0, 3) |
| | | this.list2 = res.data.slice(3) |
| | | if (res.data.length >= 3) |
| | | this.list2 = res.data.slice(3) |
| | | }) |
| | | }, |
| | | data() { |
| | |
| | | <vue-markdown :source="source"></vue-markdown> |
| | | </div> |
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| | | |
| | | |
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| | | .markdown-body { |
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| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="swichTag "> |
| | | <a-page-header title="关于我的一些..小故事" style="padding: 10px 0px 20px 0px;" @back="() => this.$router.go(-1)" /> |
| | | |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">捏脸</h3> |
| | | <a-timeline pending="..."> |
| | | <p slot="pendingDot" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | |
| | | style="width: 50px;border-radius: 30px" /> |
| | | <span style="font-size: 10px;color: #999">(小乖)</span> |
| | | </li> |
| | | <br> |
| | | <li> touch: inleft@qq.com</li> |
| | | </ul> |
| | | </p> |
| | | |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">那些对我而言,有意义的时刻..</h3> |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2022-02-22</h3> |
| | | <span style="text-decoration:line-through" >全新的</span><span>vue系列+spring全家桶搭建的blog部署上线</span> |
| | | <p class="myTip">(终于是赶在这个全是2的日子前把旧站有用的数据迁移了过来)</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2022-01-11</h3> |
| | | <p>3号机计划开始,新的blog代码提交的第一行</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h4 class="layui-timeline-title">202108</h4> |
| | | <p>到我提笔准备写下篇类日记的时候,时间已经来到了16号, |
| | | <br>此刻的心情,也是平静了许多,想来,这周算是近年来比较忙的周末了吧,从周五凌晨1点就开始马不停蹄.. |
| | | </p> |
| | | <br>然后,从哪里说起好呢,似乎从哪里起头都是一笔坏账啊.. |
| | | <br>临上车前,我靠在车站的栏杆上,她拿着个电动小风扇,倒是自己不吹,直愣愣对着我,在我旁边吱吱说话,不过此刻我早就不记得她说过了什么, |
| | | <br>那时,我满脑子都是在想:说吧,说吧,你再不说,以后可能就没机会了 |
| | | <br>没等我脑子缓过神来,我把目光从直视栏杆的方向就自然扭回到了她的方向,话题一转:你觉得,我是在用什么心情在看你呢 |
| | | <br> |
| | | <br>她啊了一下,似乎也没停顿,这个比较直的女孩就接过我的话:应该是.....她自顾说了几个她觉得的我对她的印象 |
| | | <br>但我的眼里,彼时彼刻已全是她的身影.. |
| | | <br>几分神,我顿了顿,遥遥头:不是,我是说...我对你的...一时语塞 |
| | | <br>我的双手在胸前不停打转,很想通过肢体的语言给她传递我心里的感受,有那么一会,我实在是不知道怎么说下去了.. |
| | | <br> |
| | | <br>客车要发动了,我停下双手,想起也是同样的在5年前的一个场景 |
| | | <br>我眼神示意了下车子,我要走了..客流开始向车的入口靠过去,我正要提步 |
| | | <br>却踏不起我迟疑的步伐.. |
| | | <br>"哎..给我一个拥抱吧"..我试探下张了双臂,她稍微停了下,还是靠了过来.. |
| | | <br> |
| | | <br>只须臾片刻,便消千万年间 |
| | | <br>离开她的怀抱后,我比了比个手势:"其实,六年前,到现在为止"..趁机,我在她耳边,轻轻地道:"***,***" |
| | | <br> |
| | | <br>end..希望我们的故事还没有终点.. |
| | | |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2022-01-06</h3> |
| | | <p>迁移1号机上的svn,启用3号机下的gitblit</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2022-01-04</h3> |
| | | <p>迁移1号机的文件仓库到3号机</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2021-11-23</h3> |
| | | <p>完成技术选型,抛弃笨重的jeecg,就决定是你了<a href="https://xiaonuo.vip" target="_blank">xiaonuo.vip</a></p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2021-11-11</h3> |
| | | <p>被告知腾讯双11活动背刺,3号机计划启动</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2021-10-13</h3> |
| | | <p>layui官网正式关闭..</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2021-07-30</h3> |
| | | <p>腾讯2号机续费,暂时旅居在typecho下</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2020-05-27</h3> |
| | | <span>扬帆,起航,layui第一版blog单页 面世</span> |
| | | <span class="myTip">(咕了,没有后文..)</span> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2019-01-02</h3> |
| | | <span>域名备案完成</span> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="clock-circle-o" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | <h3 class="layui-timeline-title">2018-12-21</h3> |
| | | <span>拿下域名:inleft.com</span> |
| | | <p>阿里云1号机 尝鲜</p> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | <!-- <a-timeline-item color=""> |
| | | <a-icon slot="dot" type="align-left" style="font-size: 18px;" /> |
| | | |
| | | <br><em>爱她所爱,思她所思,为她承担伤痛</em> |
| | |
| | | <br>无论身处乱世还是神所不顾 我都愿为她拔剑而战 |
| | | <br>为她收起翅膀 |
| | | <br>不离不弃,直至永远 |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> --> |
| | | </a-timeline> |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | |
| | | </script> |
| | | |
| | | <style lang="less"> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | </style> |
| | |
| | | created() { |
| | | this.year = this.$route.query.year; |
| | | this.month = this.$route.query.month; |
| | | archiveGroup({ |
| | | year: this.year, |
| | | month: this.month |
| | | }).then((res) => { |
| | | this.list = res.data; |
| | | }) |
| | | }, |
| | | watch: { |
| | | '$route'(to, from) { |
| | | if ("tagTime" === to.name) { |
| | | this.year = this.$route.query.year; |
| | | this.month = this.$route.query.month; |
| | | this.$message.info('loading',0.3); |
| | | this.$message.info('loading', 0.3); |
| | | archiveGroup({ |
| | | year: this.year, |
| | | month: this.month |
| | |
| | | import login from '../components/swichLabel/main5-show.vue' |
| | | |
| | | import box1 from '../components/mini/box1-info.vue' |
| | | import comment from '../components/mini/box12-comment.vue' |
| | | import tagTime from '../components/mini/tagTime.vue' |
| | | import tagInfo from '../components/mini/tagInfo.vue' |
| | | import boxFriend from '../components/mini/box-friend.vue' |
| | |
| | | component: main1, |
| | | children: [{ |
| | | path: '/', |
| | | name:"articleList", |
| | | name: "articleList", |
| | | component: articleList, |
| | | props: true |
| | | }, |
| | |
| | | component: box1, |
| | | }, |
| | | { |
| | | name:"tagTime", |
| | | name: "tagTime", |
| | | path: '/tagTime', |
| | | component: tagTime, |
| | | }, |
| | | { |
| | | name: "comment", |
| | | path: '/comment', |
| | | component: comment, |
| | | }, |
| | | { |
| | | path: '/tagInfo', |
| | | component: tagInfo, |
| | | }, |
| | | { |
| | | name:"mdDetail", |
| | | name: "mdDetail", |
| | | path: '/mdDetail', |
| | | component: mdDetail, |
| | | }, { |
| | |
| | | component: main1, |
| | | children: [{ |
| | | path: '/', |
| | | name:"articleList", |
| | | name: "articleList", |
| | | component: articleList, |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | |
| | | // require('./services/manage') |
| | | // require('./services/other') |
| | | // require('./services/tagCloud') |
| | | require('./test/article.js') |
| | | // require('./test/article.js') |
| | | |
| | | Mock.setup({ |
| | | timeout: 800 // setter delay time |