| | |
| | | <template> |
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| | | |
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| | |
| | | export default { |
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| | | // '$route'(to, from) { |
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| | | this.myWidth = 410 |
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| | | } |
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| | | showModal(param) { |
| | | this.visible = true; |
| | | this.$nextTick(function() { |
| | |
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| | | .blog-main { |
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| | |
| | | <div> |
| | | 正在播放: <span> {{playingVideoData.title}} </span> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div class="myVideo"> |
| | | <div class="myVideo fade"> |
| | | <div id="videoPlay" ref="myVdeoPlay"></div> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div style="border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;"> |
| | | <div style="padding: 10px 0px;"> |
| | | 音量 : |
| | | <a-slider v-model="volumeInit" :default-value="0.1" :step="0.1" :max="1" @change="changeVolume" /> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div style="padding: 10px 0px;"> |
| | | 播放进度 : {{Math.floor(currentTime/60)}}:{{Math.floor(currentTime%60)}} / |
| | | {{Math.floor(duration/60)}}:{{Math.floor(duration%60)}} |
| | | <a-slider v-model="currentTime" :max="duration" @afterChange="changeTime" /> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <a-collapse activeKey="playHistory"> |
| | | <a-collapse-panel key="playHistory" header="播放记录"> |
| | |
| | | <a-tooltip placement="bottomRight" title="播放/暂停"> |
| | | <div @click="togglePlay" class="playItem"> |
| | | {{item.title}} |
| | | <a-icon type="youtube" class="playIcon" /> |
| | | <span v-if="!isPlaying " class="myTip">(已暂停)</span> |
| | | <a-icon type="youtube" class="playIcon " |
| | | v-bind:class="{ activeElement: isPlaying }" /> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </a-tooltip> |
| | | </div> |
| | |
| | | volumeInit: 0.1, |
| | | isPlaying: false, |
| | | swichLock: false, |
| | | currentTime: 0, |
| | | duration: 0, |
| | | playingVideoData: { |
| | | img: "http://t.inleft.com/share/media_photo/idea_beijing.jpg", |
| | | url: "", |
| | |
| | | title: "", |
| | | id: "" |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | hls: null, |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | mounted() { |
| | |
| | | |
| | | this.dp.on('pause', function() { |
| | | _this.$message.info("停止播放") |
| | | this.isPlaying = false; |
| | | _this.isPlaying = false; |
| | | }); |
| | | |
| | | this.dp.on('play', function() { |
| | | _this.$message.info("开始播放..") |
| | | this.isPlaying = true; |
| | | _this.isPlaying = true; |
| | | _this.duration = _this.dp.video.duration; |
| | | _this.currentTime = _this.dp.video.currentTime; |
| | | }); |
| | | this.dp.on('timeupdate', function() { |
| | | //_this.$message.info("进度..") |
| | | _this.currentTime = _this.dp.video.currentTime; |
| | | }); |
| | | this.dp.on('volumechange', function() { |
| | | _this.volumeInit = _this.dp.video.volume; |
| | | }); |
| | | |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | togglePlay() { |
| | |
| | | }, |
| | | changeVolume(value) { |
| | | this.dp.volume(value, true, false); |
| | | }, |
| | | changeTime(time) { |
| | | this.dp.seek(time) |
| | | }, |
| | | //切换视频源 |
| | | swichPlay(videoId) { |
| | |
| | | this.$message.info("切换视频源..", 1) |
| | | this.swichLock = !this.swichLock; |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | this.startPlay(tempData) |
| | | |
| | | setTimeout(() => { |
| | | this.swichLock = !this.swichLock; |
| | | }, 5000); |
| | | }, 2000); |
| | | |
| | | //通知父组件更换评论信息 |
| | | this.$emit("swichPlay", tempData) |
| | |
| | | }, |
| | | //加载播放 |
| | | startPlay(videoData) { |
| | | //重要!!防止hls类型视频在切换后不停在后台缓存 |
| | | if (this.hls != null) { |
| | | this.hls.destroy(); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | this.adjustOrder(videoData) |
| | | |
| | | this.playingVideoData = videoData |
| | | |
| | | this.isPlaying = false; |
| | | this.dp.switchVideo(this.playingVideoData, null) |
| | | |
| | | //重要!!防止hls类型视频在切换后不停在后台缓存 |
| | | if (videoData.type == "customHls") { |
| | | this.hls = new Hls(); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | setTimeout(() => { |
| | | this.dp.switchVideo(this.playingVideoData) |
| | | }, 500); |
| | | }, |
| | | //播放器初始化 |
| | | init() { |
| | | var _this = this; |
| | | this.dp = new DPlayer({ |
| | | element: document.getElementById("videoPlay"), |
| | | //logo: "https://qczh-1252727916.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com/pic/273658f508d04d488414fd2b84c9f923.png", // 在视频左上角上打一个logo |
| | |
| | | lang: "zh-cn", // 语言,'en', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' |
| | | // screenshot: true, // 是否允许截图(按钮),点击可以自动将截图下载到本地 |
| | | preload: "metadata", // 自动预加载 'none', 'metadata', 'auto' |
| | | volume: this.volumeInit, // 初始化音量 |
| | | volume: _this.volumeInit, // 初始化音量 |
| | | playbackSpeed: [2, 1, 0.5], //可选的播放速度,可自定义 |
| | | contextmenu: [ |
| | | //右键菜单 |
| | |
| | | // }, |
| | | ], |
| | | video: { |
| | | pic: this.defalutImg, // 视频封面 |
| | | pic: _this.defalutImg, // 视频封面 |
| | | // url: videoInfo.url, |
| | | //url: "http://t.inleft.com/share/mp3/EOPMusic%282%29.mp3", |
| | | type: "normal", |
| | | customType: { |
| | | customHls: function(video, player) { |
| | | const hls = new Hls() |
| | | hls.loadSource(video.src) |
| | | hls.attachMedia(video) |
| | | //const hls = new Hls() |
| | | if (_this.hls != null) { |
| | | _this.hls.loadSource(video.src) |
| | | _this.hls.attachMedia(video) |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | padding: 10px; |
| | | border-radius: 5px; |
| | | margin: 10px; |
| | | transition: all .5s; |
| | | transition: all .3s; |
| | | position: relative; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | .playItem:active { |
| | | transform: scale(0.75) translate3d(0, 0, 0); |
| | | // transform: scale(0.75) translate3d(0, 0, 0); |
| | | box-shadow: 8px 8px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), -8px -8px 18px #ffffff; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | .myVideo { |
| | | position: relative; |
| | | width: 300px; |
| | | width: 315px; |
| | | height: 180px; |
| | | background-color: #565656; |
| | | border-radius: 10px; |
| | |
| | | border-radius: 5px; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | .activeElement { |
| | | -webkit-animation: free_download 1s linear alternate infinite; |
| | | animation: free_download 1s linear alternate infinite; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @-webkit-keyframes free_download { |
| | | 0% { |
| | | -webkit-transform: scale(1); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | 100% { |
| | | -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @keyframes free_download { |
| | | 0% { |
| | | transform: scale(1); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | 100% { |
| | | transform: scale(1.2); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div> |
| | | <div class="boxMain "> |
| | | <div class="boxMain"> |
| | | <div class=" playBox" v-bind:class="{ fadeInLeft: this.$attrs.showFade,fade: !this.$attrs.showFade }"> |
| | | <videoPlayBox ref="videoPlayBox" @swichPlay="swichPlay"></videoPlayBox> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div style="padding: 20px 20px 5px;margin-bottom: 20px;" class="myShadow fadeInLeft"> |
| | | <pre>{{introduce}}</pre> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div class="articleComment fadeInRight"> |
| | | <comment ref="myComment" :articleId="articleId" :isAllowedComment="isAllowedComment" :foldReply="true" /> |
| | | <div v-bind:class="{ fadeInRight: this.$attrs.showFade,fade: !this.$attrs.showFade }"> |
| | | <div class="introduce myShadow" v-if="introduce!=''"> |
| | | <pre style="white-space: pre-line;">{{introduce}}</pre> |
| | | </div> |
| | | <div class="articleComment "> |
| | | <comment ref="myComment" :articleId="articleId" :isAllowedComment="isAllowedComment" |
| | | :foldReply="true" /> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </div> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | if (newValue == undefined || newValue == null || newValue == "") { |
| | | this.errorMsg = "日志id参数缺失"; |
| | | } else { |
| | | this.$nextTick(function() { |
| | | this.$refs.myComment.updateCommentList(this.articleId); |
| | | }) |
| | | if (this.newValue != this.oldValue) { |
| | | this.$nextTick(function() { |
| | | this.$refs.myComment.updateCommentList(this.articleId); |
| | | }) |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | }, |
| | |
| | | introduce: "", |
| | | secret: "", |
| | | myLock: false, |
| | | showFade: true, |
| | | videoData: { |
| | | img: "http://t.inleft.com/share/media_photo/idea_beijing.jpg", |
| | | url: "", |
| | |
| | | methods: { |
| | | swichPlay(videoData) { |
| | | this.introduce = videoData.introduce; |
| | | this.articleId = videoData.id |
| | | this.$refs.myComment.updateCommentList(videoData.id); |
| | | }, |
| | | showVideo(item) { |
| | |
| | | loadData() { |
| | | |
| | | if (this.$refs.videoPlayBox.isPlaying) { |
| | | this.$message.info("上个视频正在播放中") |
| | | this.$message.info("视频源已切换..", 6) |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (this.myLock) { |
| | |
| | | |
| | | .boxMain { |
| | | user-select: none; |
| | | grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); |
| | | display: grid; |
| | | clear: both; |
| | | gap: 2rem; |
| | | max-height: 100%; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | .playBox { |
| | | display: flex; |
| | | justify-content: center; |
| | | padding: 5px 20px; |
| | | padding: 20px 0px; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | .myShadow { |
| | |
| | | box-shadow: 8px 8px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), |
| | | -8px -8px 18px #ffffff; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | .introduce { |
| | | padding: 20px 20px 5px; |
| | | margin-bottom: 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { |
| | | .boxMain { |
| | | grid-template-columns: repeat(1, 1fr); |
| | | gap: 0rem; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | |
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| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <!-- 异步加载组件 消息总线独立 状态管理 常量抽取 模块重构 jtx使用 css优化--> |
| | | <!-- 异步加载组件 消息总线独立 状态管理 常量抽取 模块重构 jsx使用 css优化--> |
| | | <!-- 好用的黑色 #292a2d --> |
| | | <div class="swichTag "> |
| | | <a-page-header title="关于我的一些..小故事" style="padding: 10px 0px 20px 0px;" @back="() => this.$router.go(-1)" /> |
| | | <a-timeline pending="..."> |
| | |
| | | </ul> |
| | | </a-timeline-item> |
| | | --> |
| | | |
| | | <!-- |
| | | 它叫 faye's theme 出自高瞰/的独立游戏(寻找天堂) |
| | | |