| | |
| | | and a.editor_status=1 |
| | | and a.publish_date < now() |
| | | <choose> |
| | | <!-- 月台查询用 --> |
| | | <when test="param.fileType != null"> |
| | | and a.article_file_type = #{param.fileType} |
| | | </when> |
| | | <!-- 指定排除 视频类在首页显示,但需要在分类栏目列表显示 --> |
| | | <when test="param.fileType == null and param.typeId == null"> |
| | | and a.article_file_type not in (3,4) |
| | | </when> |
| | | </choose> |
| | | <choose> |
| | | <when test="param.typeId != null"> |
| | | AND a.article_type_id = #{param.typeId} |
| | | order by a.is_top desc,a.top_value asc , a.publish_date desc |
| | | </when> |
| | | |
| | | <!-- 指定排除 笔记类在首页显示 --> |
| | | <otherwise> |
| | | AND a.article_type_id != 4 |
| | | <!-- 首页不出现视频等文件类型--> |
| | | <if test="param.faceExcludeFile != null"> |
| | | and a.article_file_type not in |
| | | <foreach collection="param.faceExcludeFile" item="obj" separator="," open="(" close=")"> |
| | | #{obj} |
| | | </foreach> |
| | | </if> |
| | | order by a.is_top desc,a.top_value asc , a.update_date desc |
| | | </otherwise> |
| | | </choose> |
| | |
| | | blog_article a |
| | | inner join blog_article_type t |
| | | on t.id =a.article_type_id |
| | | |
| | | <!-- 排除首页不查询的分类--> |
| | | <if test="param.typeId == null"> |
| | | and t.is_show_face = 1 |
| | | </if> |
| | | |
| | | left join sys_file_info f2 |
| | | on f2.id=a.cover_file_id |
| | |
| | | and a.editor_status=1 |
| | | and a.publish_date < now() |
| | | |
| | | <if test="param.id != null"> |
| | | and a.id = #{param.id} |
| | | </if> |
| | | |
| | | <if test="param.fileType != null"> |
| | | and a.article_file_type = #{param.fileType} |
| | | </if> |